
We have resources available to help you choose a chemistry program, support you in your studies at UQ or pursue research opportunities in chemistry.

UQ study and research options

Study at UQ

If you're considering studying an undergraduate, honours or postgraduate degree, visit Study at UQ to find a chemistry program, chemistry major or field of study.

Ranked in the world's top 50, UQ is one of Australia's leading research and teaching institutions.

Visit UQ Financial Support to explore the financial options for studying at UQ and apply for financial assistance.

Study at the School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences (SCMB)

At SCMB, we teach and research in in the disciplines of chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, microbiology and parasitology.

Research at UQ Graduate School

UQ Graduate School is responsible for research training, admissions, research scholarships, supporting students during their candidature, and facilitating theses examination. It coordinates year-round skills training, and provides opportunities to accelerate career development.

You can find information on Research Higher Degree applications and the support available by visiting UQ Graduate School.

Research at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN)

AIBN translates research into new products, processes and devices for improving human health and quality of life.

Visit AIBN students to find out about the Higher Degree by Research, Honours, Masters Degrees or Internships available to develop your skills and help you establish a research career.